What is TinyBoxes?
TinyBoxes is an exciting new NFT featuring animated SVG art that’s generative, dynamic, and rendered 100% on-chain. TinyBoxes is the first designable proto-generative NFT. Its art is customizable with a gamified minting experience.

“Immutable, Animated, Generative Art Stored Forever On-Chain”
We believe that Tiny Boxes will help push generative art and the wider NFT space forward and hope these unique innovations will inspire new eras of on-chain SVG rendered art. By open-sourcing new methods of rendering SVG on-chain, we intend to provide a template for future projects in the space to build upon.
TinyBoxes is to Autoglyphs as Avastars is to CryptoPunks
TinyBoxes takes inspiration from Autoglyphs, the earliest pioneer of on-chain generative NFT art, and Avastars, a generative avatar project with all art rendered on-chain in SVG form, that followed in the footsteps of OG NFT CryptoPunks.

TinyBoxes is to Autoglyphs as Avastars is to CryptoPunks
The distinction between the above projects (with the exception of Cryptopunks) and many other NFT projects is that the token’s art is embedded in the blockchain and thus will exist as long as Ethereum survives. TinyBoxes pushes the envelope even further by adding animation with SVG markup which can be retrieved fully from the chain and rendered in any browser. These will be the first NFTs with animations rendered on-chain.
To put it another way, even without the creators or the original web page, each entire art piece will be retrievable, forever, from the blockchain. Collectors will be able to fetch the SVG code directly from the contract’s on-chain render functions and even adjust how the token renders on 3rd party platforms such as OpenSea.

Perpetual Renderer Function in the Smart Contract
Our Team
NonFungibleTeam’s members, @skylerfly, @NateAlex6677, @KittyCatRightM3 and @alxocity, met at ETHDenver hackathon developing a novel NFT game Microverse. Though that project has yet to make it to fruition, we’ve directed our efforts towards new projects. Visit our website for the latest on what we’re working on!
Our Vision for NFTs
We strive to bring usability, efficiency, and composability to NFTs.

Original Concept Art for TinyBoxes
Nate Alex, creator of Sqiggly.wtf & Chainfaces, had the original idea of generating and storing the entire SVG markup of each TinyBox on-chain. This approach uses millions in gas to mint just a single token. This concept generalized for use with any SVG art was released as Mint That Shit.
SkyFly redesigned the contract, extracting the minimal amount of information necessary to reproduce a token’s art and storing that on-chain instead. He did this by building a renderer to unpack this data and turn it into SVG artwork.
Since then we’ve been able to further cut the gas used from 500k to 260k, through bit packing and thoughtful design keeping each token's data within just one storage slot (256 bits).
TinyBoxes Unique Innovations
For NFTs to continue to moon we must continue to rocket their value proposition in each new generation. With a plethora of innovative mechanics built into the contract, including on-chain rendering, customizable options, dynamic settings, phased drops, referral rewards, and more, TinyBoxes is one of the most innovative generative art NFTs to date.
Its most notable innovations include:
- The first generative art NFT with SVG animations rendered on-chain
- A gamified minter, letting you explore the possibilities
- All metadata available on-chain and embedded into each token’s art
- Owner adjustable rendering settings for third-party NFT platforms
- Highly efficient storage usage to minimize the minting gas fee

The TinyBox Creator
As a step towards fully decentralized NFTs, we wanted our token to have all metadata directly readable from the contract. This makes our metadata API server nearly redundant and just there for compatibility with current marketplace standards.
- Only 2222 tokens will be sold, priced at 0.1 ETH each
- + another set of less than 100 limited edition tokens for beta testers each fully adjustable!
- 11 phases of exclusive color schemes
- A linearly increasing blocktimer for pausing between phases
- 24 unique animations
- Design and share token options
- Earn a percentage of tokens minted with a referral to your tokens ID
- Giving back 50% of gas fees in rewards, prizes, and giveaways
All code is Open Sourced on GitHub
TinyBoxes Beta
We’re excited to announce that Beta went live on Rinkeby Testnet Sunday and TinyBoxes is already generating lots of enthusiasm! It’s still going at Rinkeby if you’d like to preview the TinyBoxes experience. You can also explore the tokens that have been minted on the OpenSea Collection.

Beta TinyBoxes Collection on OpenSea
How to get TinyBoxes
TinyBoxes will be mintable in the TinyBox.shop DAPP when we launch on Mainnet very soon. In the meantime, join TinyBoxes Discord or follow us on Twitter to keep up on the latest news about the project leading up to and after the launch.