BTC is trading at 34K $ and ETH around 950$ at the time of the article.
You may be wondering, why is this issue going out as week 53 2020 and not week 01 2021?
Well, because that's the scientific method to count weeks.

From Epoch converter:
Week 53 is from Monday, December 28, 2020 until (and including) Sunday, January 3, 2021.
Week number according to the ISO-8601 standard, weeks starting on Monday. The first week of the year is the week that contains that year's first Thursday (='First 4-day week').
ISO representation: 2020-W53
The highest week number in a year is either 52 or 53, 2020 has 53 weeks.
Here we can see week numbers by years.

What a special year 2020 turned out to be for the crypto industry!
The year started with terrible news that shook the world and especially basketball fans. Kobe Bryant and his daughter died in a helicopter accident. While quarantine became an everyday word.
When looking back, the biggest point of focus on 2020 has undoubtedly been COVID-19. Even though, we all know that it's a manufactured virus from the lizard people who work with Anunaki to achieve global domination and turn frogs gay.
BLM movement and the American elections would also go on a highlight reel.
But an argument can be made that COVID-19 was a catalyst that accelerated crypto adoption.
2020 has been a beautiful year for crypto and confidence in the markets has been restored. We started the year with bear market and ended in the biggest bull run so far.
Just in January BTC was trading around the 7K $ mark and ETH around 135$!
We witnessed DEFI applications being born and mooning short after. Some had coins, some didn’t. We all became farmers for a short bit. The volume and locked value in DEFI went parabolic.
We probably also had a record-breaking year for rugs and scams. So many successful initial land offerings. Decentraland, Cryptovoxels, The Sandbox Game, and Axie Lands just to name a few. That was Q1 - Q2 2020. Their secondary markets also pumped like mad with huge sales being recorded.
The DEFI projects and protocols issuing coins created a nice altcoin pump making some people realize massive gains. Some people even made fuck you money just from airdrops.
In general all ETH network users have benefited very well during the year. A side effect of that growth was the exposure of how not ready the network is and spearheaded awareness and interest over this big problem.
Scaling options are now widely discussed for each project and the average user is more educated on the subject. ETH 2.0 is getting closer by the day.
Cryptoart went parabolic. From a small niche to a new revolution in arts. Platforms like NiftyGateway, Superrare, Rarible, KO, MP and OS played a big part in moving the space forward as a whole.
However we are now more educated about onchain benefits and how to proceed moving on ahead. There have been record after record breaking this year, for cryptoart NFT sales.
A factor that drove many "mainstream" artists to join the cryptoart movement.
Undoubtedly the MVP of this year in cryptoart has been Beeple. Maybe it would be more accurate to say Beeple has been ROY and MVP.
Another notable name for the year in NFTs is Pranksy, not just for the fact of how much ETH he was able to accumulate but also for inspiring so many to get in on the grind, because of how open he is about it.
Cryptopunks did a 40x this year and have recorded some amazing sales (check the article next about it). Established NFT projects now have strong communities behind them. Who will forget the great $Rari farming mania and #rarigang of July-August ? Or the axie community growing from a few players to thousands.
Big franchise products have entered the space such as NBA (NBATopShot), F1(Delta Time), MLBC and many more are coming.
Paypal and other traditional finance giants have entered the crypto sphere. It feels like a perfect storm for assets like BTC and ETH. The price surge has been as organic as it can be.
Not a great year for the world overall but one thing is for sure, people will have some fucked up stories to tell from 2020, maybe that still doesn’t make the year likable but it makes it….something.
What is coming for 2021? Great and exciting things for our NFT community and you can be sure you will read all about the coolest stuff on our 52 upcoming issues!