The Worm is an innovative NFT contract launched earlier this year that is intended to be shared to mint. By transferring the Worm from one wallet to another you receive a ‘Worm Hologram’, an indexed copy of itself. To start minting you need to have a Worm NFT in your wallet. The only way to have a Worm in your wallet is for another wallet to transfer it to you. Once you receive the Worm in a wallet, you can hold it or transfer the Worm to another wallet, which is entirely your choice. We covered the Worm in our Gazette #47 in greater detail.

The Redlion Discord recently had fun passing the Worm around its subscribers. @Redlioneye received the Worm and we thought it would be fun to give the Worm a run among our subscribers. We proposed the idea on our Discord and got a great response. We put together a sequence of subscribers who would receive the Worm then started our speed run. It was a fun moment for our channel, which could have been cut short if any recipient had taken advantage of the active offer of 5 ETH on OpenSea at the time. Hats off to our amazing subscribers. Following the successful run, we decided to transfer the Worm to our first ever Redlion subscriber, @C. Pyrc.

The Worm was then transferred to our second-ever subscriber, @softboobie.eth.

We received a number of requests from our subscribers who missed out on the first run. Hence, we coordinated with @softboobie.eth and another run was made possible in similar fashion with a document to follow the respective sequence. However, after another speed run among many wallets, one of the subscribers decided to take up the lucrative offer of 5 ETH.

The wallet the Worm reached has been meaning to stop the Worm's journey with its high open offer and it finally succeeded.

@Redlioneye offered the premium of 5 ETH to rebuy the Worm in order to let it continue its journey, but was rebuffed. Our Subscribers even supported the cause by rallying to contribute funds to be used to repurchase the Worm to get it moving again (thank you, Subs❤️). Here’s the hoping that this is nothing but a temporary hurdle in the Worm’s journey and it can crawl out sooner rather than later.

Provided the conditions, We decided to dedicate this week's cover to the temple of worm, and the real icing on the cake was the surprise announcement of airdropping the special issue to all worm disciples along with our subscribers. We chose not to put this special issue for external sale and those who scorn the worm shall be devoid of its blessings.

After our gift to the church of worm, Cat was moved and he changed his mind. The Cat opted to put up a public vote where the worm would go next. It was a two way battle among Dickbutts vs The pact of wormly. Yetiverse (for the lols), VAULT IT being other options. The Dickbutts DAO was winning and then someone from the pact bought votes, triggering Dickbutts follow suit, but in the end the pact won! which is amazing because they really wanted it and they plan to speed run it. Being an underdog, and their sheer will to get the worm. They eventually got it. We loved the dirty play and the story had an amazing to the chapter. We are thrilled to be a major part of it and we are sure worm has a long way to go, bless thousands of wallets and be the the focal point of many exciting chapters to unfold.

However, the Cat will try to get the worm again, and now there are more villains inspired by the cat. If he gets again he has warned of trapping it with greater difficulty bomb. Other black swans or felines could try something similar.
In the end perseverance prevails, praise be.