The Birth of Viper 사랑해: A New Form of NFT Interaction
Folia, a prominent player in the NFT landscape, has announced its latest project, Viper 사랑해, an inventive generative, and interactive artwork. Co-created by artists Billy Rennekamp and Joon Yeon Park, Viper is set to hatch into the digital world on Tuesday, July 11th at 6 PM UTC, exclusively via a dedicated web app.
1/ Folia is proud to present Viper 사랑해, a spiritual descendent of Kudzu the first viral NFT. Viper is a generative artwork by @BillyRennekamp and Joon Yeon Park that launches 𝐓𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐭 𝟖𝐩𝐦 𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐓 (𝟕𝐩𝐦 𝐁𝐒𝐓, 𝟐𝐩𝐦 𝐄𝐃𝐓, 𝟏𝟏𝐚𝐦 𝐏𝐃𝐓)
— Folia (@foliafoliafolia) July 7, 2023
The artwork consists of 486 unique baby vipers, each of which is capable of "biting" other Ethereum addresses. This interactive element reflects a new dynamic in the NFT realm, adding an extra layer of engagement to the ownership experience.
In the Footsteps of Kudzu: Adapting Viral NFT Mechanisms
The innovative mechanic of a Viper 'bite' functions by extending the Viper one segment longer, while simultaneously minting a new, non-transferable NFT into the bitten Ethereum address. This innovative method leaves a permanent 'bite-mark' in the form of a soulbond NFT, serving as a testament to the interaction.

Viper 사랑해 pays homage to its viral NFT predecessor, Kudzu, adopting and adapting Kudzu's ingenious technique of overwriting the standard transferFrom() function of the NFT contract. This modification results in minting a new NFT into the recipient's wallet instead of the traditional transfer, spreading the 'virus' and growing the 'vine'.

While Kudzu applied this approach universally, preventing all owners from moving their NFTs, Viper offers an evolution. Viper allows for the exception of third-party contract transfers, permitting owners to sell or transfer their Viper NFT via platforms such as OpenSea.
The Artists Behind Viper: Billy Rennekamp and Joon Yeon Park
At the creative helm of the interactive Viper 사랑해 are artists Billy Rennekamp and Joon Yeon Park, each bringing a unique skill set to this innovative NFT project.
Billy Rennekamp is an artist-programmer straddling two worlds. As a co-founder of Folia and the founder of Clovers Network, Rennekamp uses his vast technological expertise, gleaned from experiences at Ethereum EIPs, Gnosis, and the Interchain Foundation, to fuel the technical innovation in Viper 사랑해.
On the other hand, Park, a Berlin-based artist hailing from Seoul, adds her artistic essence to the project. With a background enriched by the School of Visual Arts, New York, and Frankfurt's Hochschule für Bildende Künste–Städelschule, Park leverages her deep appreciation for clip art and appropriation to craft the distinctive aesthetic of Viper 사랑해. Together, they give Viper its unique place in the NFT landscape.
Supporting Patronage in the NFT Space: The Role of Royal Patrons
A critical aspect of the project involves the use of Royal Patrons, a CLI application instrumental in collecting addresses of NFT patrons who have paid royalties. This tool was integral to the launch of Viper 사랑해, enabling the efficient collection of addresses for an allowlist through the use of

With this exciting new addition to the NFT ecosystem, Folia continues to push the boundaries of what's possible, taking us all into the next era of digital art and interaction. Keep your eyes peeled for more updates on Viper 사랑해 and its continued evolution in the NFT space.