I’m a Mexican/Dutch painter and crypto-artist and I’m proud be featured in this special issue of Redlion news, the best source get your weekly dose of NFT, crypto-art & DEFI History knowledge.
Let me introduce myself, I was born in 12 years before the end of the second millennium. 1988 the year and Mexico City the place. As a son of a Oaxaca painter my brother and I always had access to ‘the studio’ and lots of painting materials. Pretty soon I discovered the joy of drawing and I started portraying my ideas onto paper.

Cartoons and video games being a big source of inspiration at the time (still are). Fast forward to the year 1999 when my family and me moved to the city of Leiden in the Netherlands, here’s where I came in contact not only with my other roots, but also with a world or museums and art. Karel Appel, Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Vermeer and Mondriaan soon became my favorite painters, my fascination for art started to grow.
I studied Graphic Design at the Royal Academy of Arts in The Hague (KABK), here I learned about the power an image can hold and the role visual communication plays in our lives. After my studies I decided to leave the Graphic Design route and ventured into unknown territory. It was a Jackson Pollock painting called ´Summertime 9A´ that kickstarted my longing to become a painter. I took the DIY attitude I had learned from Punk rock music and skateboarding and started to teach myself how to paint. Soon I found myself painting non stop, it became more than a necessity, it became an addiction!

My life and art took a crucial turn when me and my brother EMSAR (also an autodidact painter) moved to ´the city of painters´: Oaxaca. Here is where I started experimenting with large scale canvasses and new materials. This experimentation gave me a new sense of freedom and after a couple of months I was known in Oaxaca as ´El Holandés Errante ( The Flying Dutchman)´, because of my frantic way of painting and organizing exhibitions.
10 years later and I’m still painting non-stop, experimenting and learning with each new work. Walking on this path of art and expression. A path that now has led me on the trail of NFTs and crypto-art. A world that literally ´saved me´ as I was struggling economically due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This opened up for me a new world of possibilities. Not only was I able to showcase my paintings to a larger audience but I was also able to mix different worlds such as music, animation, poetry and photography into one singe universe known as ´NFTs´. Along with this came the NFT community which I really consider to be a family and the pillar of the NFT space.

I finally feel I belong somewhere and that I’m part of a new artistic movement, something I thought was no longer possible as everything in art had already been seen and said. But this is different, this is the cauldron in which all art forms are blended together, a safe haven for expression, freedom and reinvention. I do believe this is the right way forward and a way for artists to get a fair deal in this cruel realm known as ´the art world´. I’m very glad and fortunate to be part of this new renaissance and revolution, one in which and artist can proudly say: This is my story, these are my works and this is who I am.
Thank you very much.