This week’s ArtDrop is created by the Belgian Ptite Angèle. She’s one of those artists who has been drawing and making art for as long as she can remember.
Many artists grow up with creative parents, but Ptite Angèle not really. She simply had a personal itch to scratch; something inside her pushed her to keep creating and doodling. She discovered rather quickly that she had some artistic aspirations and was, fortunately enough, encouraged by many around her. This gave her the opportunity to further hone her art skills as a hobby.

Her love for art made her pursue an artistic career. She decided to study graphic design in Belgium. “Graphic design taught me a lot and helped me to take my art up a notch,” she mentions. “Though finding a job as a graphic designer turned out to be quite challenging. I kept it as a side hobby and would create drawings and paintings for myself up until a few years ago when I decided to turn my side business into something more serious. I focused on growing it.”
Then the lockdown came around, and where for many people this was a moment of disaster, for Ptite Angèle, it was an opportunity. It gave her time to develop her illustration skills. She took her pen and paper doodles and went onto the computer, where she learned how to vector using Adobe Illustrator. Slowly but surely she developed her own artistic style.

Already early on she decided to share her art on Twitter. “Many of my followers encouraged me to take a shot at NFTs. I followed the news, kept an eye on what was going on, and when I finally was able to do so, I minted my first piece. This was in February 2021. I’ve been working hard and kept pushing myself ever since then. This next year, 2022, I'd not only like to keep developing myself as an artist but also reinforce my brand. There is so much to learn and to look forward to. I feel this is still the very beginning of NFTs and we are paving the way for the future! So when it comes to 2022, I’m focused on more projects, more growth, and of course, more beautiful, personal art to make the world dream.”